Through Amaya, C3A aims to scale from managing 3000 farmers in Cameroon to 1_million farmers across 11_countries in Africa.

Amaya's goal in Africa

The C-3A integrates Amaya to strengthen the productivity and profitability of farmers and contribute to food security, environmental sustainability and economic development of the region.

Personalized technical advices

Technical support with personnalized advice, weather and disease alerts to optimize production, reduce the impact of climate change and ensure an ecological and sustainable transtion.

Assistance with formalisation and financing

Assistance in setting up local cooperatives and micro-credits.


Marketing to domestic and international buyers.

Export compliance

Intelligent generation of traceability and product certification reports.

Expected impacts
  • Contribute to food self-sufficiency over 3 years for 500 000 agricultural stakeholders 
  • Drive 100% local economic growth by reducing food imports and increasing local production
  • Promoting sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture
Who is the C3A ?

This key organization is dedicated to promoting socio-economic integration and development in Africa, in alignment with the African Union’s Agenda 2065 and the ambitions of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).  C-3A is deeply committed to reducing essential food imports in Africa and aims to achieve food self-sufficiency. It actively responds to the challenges posed by health and security crises affecting continental production capacity. 

And it encourages the adoption of simple technologies adapted for local processing of products, as well as the awareness and support of target populations using modern agricultural production techniques.

Learn more 

We talk about us

Amaya and C3A join forces to boost African agriculture

Africa24 talks about Amaya Ag and its new strategic partnership with the African Confederation of Agropastoral Actors.

Amaya and C3A on the 20h of CAM 10 TV

CAM10 TV broadcasts the signing ceremony of the strategic partnership between Amaya and the African Confederation of Agro-pastoral Actors.

French agritech Amaya signs partnership with C-3A to support 500,000 agricultural actors in Africa

Amaya, the all-in-one application to accompany agricultural production, announced in April 2024, having signed a strategic partnership with the African Confederation of Agricultural Stakeholders (C-3A), a key player in the development of the agro-pastoral sector in Central Africa.

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